Tricky Dicky (3023km):
3710 days ago 1 categories  Wollumboula Lake, NSW, AU 14-22 kts wind over the course of the afternoon.Aaaah, great to get out after night shift, it makes it all worth while! The afternoon started pretty quietly, I rigged my Sailworks Retro 5.5, as the breeze was pretty good, hit the water and the wind dropped down by about 5kts :-((.
Still, I thought, I'm here with a whole car load of sails from a 4.2 Hucker up to a 7.4 X-T Racing, so I rigged a 6.5m Retro, same board and fin (JP Single Fin Thruster with a 22 cm weedie) and hit it hard...I'm trying to crack 1000km before the end of summer! (Yeah, I know you've all got thousands and thousands!!!) Obviously, once that sail was rigged the wind started to build again.....
So that was it, Keith came down and used both his CA and JP speed boards and we're only a few knots apart I think (and several thousand Km's).
Thanks for a great afternoon Keith, it's allways good to sail with you.
Wednesday could be on for anyone that's keen!
Feilian (14464km):
3710 days ago 1 categories  Wollumboula Lake, NSW, AU another great day with tricky except i couldnt get any power in either the board or sail , changed from the ca55 to the jp 50 with no chang , the whole rig was just bogging boggin bogging, finally looked up at the sail and there was a tear in the 3rd panel from the boom , called it a day thanks tricky for helping me with my gear to the rigging area
one concolation with another repair is all of the patches are starting to join and with this fix it will be like new 
ca55+jp50 custom 18cm short base n/pevo111 6.2
craig cole (7197km):
3710 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU
primbee was nowhere near flat today,rigged undersized with a 6.3,but just couldnt be bothered re rigging,it got a lot flater very late in the arvo (as primbee always does) i think about 7 oclock thats when the best speeds and nice long runs where done
exocet rs2,63 north warp,20cm keef weed smoker special!
ps,thanks kenny for the go fast graphics on the van!!!