Windxtasy (13938km):
3107 days ago Point Grey, WA, AU M91, 5.4K, 21 delta Wind around 20 -22 knts due N
A very pleasant sunny afternoon exploring Boombas with Craig - we were without local guides and a bit nervous about the whereabouts of the cay(reef), but we intrepidly ventured out anyway. The water was knee to thigh deep but very turbid, so you couldn't see the bottom in most places. Quite choppy in places, especially crossing the first bay, but eventually we found a flattish spot. Looking at google earth it turns out that our first stop was right on the edge of the cay (reef) and most of our runs were back and forth across it without realising. In places it did feel a bit rocky on the bottom underneath the thick mud, but it was knee deep so no matter. We didn't see the islands but the flattish water must have been downwind of them.
The set up felt really good today - enjoying the 5.4 Koncept. I might have gone faster with a smaller board and fin but as we were exploring (and we have heard tales of very long walks/slogs back to base in those parts) we were cautious.
The return run was about 6 km back to the start point, finishing with about 2 km of chop. I am going to be very sore tomorrow. And the next day.
A pleasant voyage of discovery. No swans disturbed. Defintely a top ten downwind-from-Fangy's day. So glad I gave Saturday a miss and waited for today!
Suprisingly good hour since I kept stopping to catch my breath...