Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Peter (Wineman) | | | | | | |
JohnM | | | | | | |
Andrew | | | | | | |
Erik | | | | | | |
Dean Seal | | | | | | |
Nigel | | | | | | |
Jethrow |
Karl |
Waiting4wind |
Laff77 |
Adrian Vos |
Roar |
Carol |
AlfaMale |
Sparky |
Artur Kowalski |
Cheeky Monkey |
George |
Remi Dunoyer |
Barks |
Palleaon |
Starboard64 |
Dieter |
Rico |
Rodskeg |
Jules |
Greg Kay |
Remi Roques |
Average | 32.87 | 30.54 | 13.89 | 21.83 | 24.15 | 39.61 |
Peter (Wineman) (3114km):
2990 days ago Kyeemagh, N/E 20-28kts
Wind came in early, sunny, warm water 6.5 Maui, 38 fin
Maxed out at times, a few slides in the chop and a few smoothish patches in between to go.
Dean & I decided we need more time on water to get fitter.
Nigel getting along but also maxed out at times. Later 33+ gusts coming thru.
Beer time 
JohnM (4237km):
2990 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
CA62 MS6.3 36
At last a noreaster.
Nice and gusty.
DDs Dean, Nigel and Wineman in attendance.
And some light entrtainment from the fully sick floating lounge.
Andrew (15048km):
2990 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU 15-20kt NE 6.0 Simmer Style, 20cm BP Kestral, 94L Starboard Isonic
Sailed from 12 to 3 so was out before the peak of it. Great to see Milsy, Wayno, Dave, Gareth, and also meet Andy and Jill. Thanks for the Kestral fin Andy it ran really well!
Definitely worth the trip :-)

Erik (2432km):
2990 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Dean Seal (2158km):
2990 days ago Patrick 115 then 92. OD 7.0m then 6.2m. Finally a bit of wind. Bit out of practice and constantly changing gear. Managed to kill the wind for a while their by changing down from the 7.0m to the 6.2m. Great having a sail with Nigel, John and Peter with Craig paying a visit. Floating lounge was pretty funny and the guy was actually really friendly. Why wouldn't you be happy with 5 nearly naked women to yourself! Well done Andrew on your PB's improving at great knots. Well done also on your Alpha PB John, you where sailing really well in those conditions. Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Nigel (4616km):
2987 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU || NE 20-33kts
PATRIK 100, OD 6.2, BP RS34
Good fun out there today. Pretty angry and challanging at times so I sought refuge up the top for a while. There was a 38kt gust shortly after I came in and was looking pretty gnarly. It was only Peter (wineman), Dean, John and me for a couple of hours before some after workers showed up.
