Dean Seal (2158km):
2697 days ago 1 categories  Patrick 92 OD 6.2m and 19cm Delta. Unexpected sail. Wind had a bit North in it which wasn't so go for Nauticals and water was very shallow preventing a lot of speed runs. Great conditions for alphas which I was practising today as going aground occasionally was no good for one hour. However it was an excellent sail with only Chris and Terry out from Illawarra Speedsters. Primbee, NSW, AU
Adrian Vos (3938km):
2696 days ago 1 categories  Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Isoinic 97, NP RS Slalom 7.0, Techtonics 36
Started crappy with the NW falling to nothing, and then me sitting on my board floating in the middle of the lake for a while with 0 wind. Then I decided to make my way back and packup and go home in the 1-3 knots of wind. Just before I got back the wind swung NE and kicked in and I then had a great time. No seabreeze was forecast, so was lucky the weather turned in my favour for a change. Lucky it took me a while to get back or I would have left before the wind came!!
Andrew (15048km):
2696 days ago 2 categories   Foreshore Rd, Botany, NSW, AU 20-32kt WNW || 118 Manta 5.0HSM 46 Canefire
Carbon copy of Monday. Was expecting a cruise in 15-20kt W on some larger gear, but instead way stronger with a bit of north in it. Grey skies, flat steely grey water with the odd burst of sunshine, classic Sydney spring!
