Remi Dunoyer (24497km):
2717 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Exocet RS3 - Loftsails RB 7.0 - 35 fin
Nice morning session catching the tail end of the Southerly front. Perfect combo for the conditions.
Hats off to George who muscled the big kit the whoel time 

George (32558km):
2717 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU || 18-23 S
RS5/ KARace 7.9/ Canefire 43
Unexpectedly windy, that was the smallest gear I had and it was too big for me. Happy I managed to do a few runs until I had a crash and thought better not to push my luck any further.
AlfaMale (19831km):
2717 days ago Mixed logs, I stopped and restarted the GPS when I switched from Slalom to Foil, but the smarts at KA72 joined them back together again.
iSonic 90L, 33cm VMax4, MauiSails TRXI 7.0
iSonic 121L, Slingshot foil, same sail!
Felt pretty good zipping around on the slalom board (with a working GPS!) but then the wind dropped a bit and I switched to the foil. I've got much more control now, but feel like I can only get to 20kts before I have to sheet out and hold my speed. Anyway I managed to fly around and ended up being the last one on the water. Some good long runs now, with only 2 or 3 air moments. Longest run was 3km without falling!

Sans Souci, NSW, AU
Erik (2432km):
2716 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU. RS3 New today! 36cm fin, 6.5m Titan GS. Very comfortable today on the new 2013 RS3 and the 6.5m, perfect for the ~20 kts in the middle of the day. Plently of swell to add the occasional unexpected air. Had a good sail with Remi, Artur, George and Ric at the Servo on Botany Bay. Love it when a southerly turns sunny . Back at home, spent the afternoon adjusting footstraps and fin position in boards thanks to the tips I got on the beach, all looking schmick now. Thanks Guys, maybe I'll be able to go upwind a little better now. Next is tips on gybing the new RS3.... I was a bit back and forth across the bay today.... .