Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
remery | | | | | | |
Chris Porter | | | | | | |
Flatchat | | | | | | |
Lunny | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Kenny | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
Snake | | | | | | |
Jeff |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
tailwind |
Snickers |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Reg |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 39.96 | 38.07 | 20.21 | 24.90 | 31.92 | 107.49 |
remery (5232km):
2404 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
What a waste of epic wind. I got caught at work with someone who expected me to help with their problems. I rushed down to Coodanup, decided to go big or go home because I'm always moaning that I need more wind. Unfortunately I was out of control with the no-cam 6.5. The tide was high so Coodanup was a veritable maelstrom with chop at least 8cms high, maybe even 10! So the Delta 18 fin and kept spinning out, especially when I was about to hit the bank. I couldn't even manage a nm PB. It was a frustrating afternoon. I have disgraced the Pinaroos. I need a Bex and a lie down.
Chris Porter (11725km):
2404 days ago Quick blast at PW after work. Super gusty and swinging, but managed to line up a couple of runs before my arms pumped and I couldn't hold on.
Good to share some laps with Boz.
CA SP47, Choco Weed Speed 22, Ram 5.4
Flatchat (9962km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Another sensational Liptons day. Great blasting across the weedbeds at Pt Grey. Certainly an unusual feeling of 'smoothlicious' and 'here comes the catapult' Was having a ablast on the i87 and thought just maybe the speedboard might get me an extra knot or two - wrong. The speedboard was definately slower but possibly the confitions became more gusty. Good to see Woody enjoying another 2s PB. Great to see lots of Pinnas and Mobster out.
SB i87 & w49, NP E4 5.8m, Tribal wsp 27&23
Lunny (42007km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Another fine Liptons session with plenty out getting pumped forearms.
Great to see so many smiles
Patrik sl92, KAR 5.5, Vector ws23
Boz (41493km):
2404 days ago Point Walter, WA, AU
Not enough time to head to Liptons, PW choppy on the runs and gusty but a lot of fun, 3 of us out Chis on the speed board and Neil S who sailed up from Pelican Point.
Manta 61, KAR 6.3 VWS 25
Woody-Mark (14984km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
First time at Liptons and great to enjoy the fun conditions with Craig, Tim, Kenny, Anita and Greg who it was good to meet finally. Cheers to the friendly locals for home turf advice too. Manta 88 was more reliable than the newly christened JP Speed 55 which was slightly quicker but more fickle in the later breeze. WP27 & 25 NP V8
Windxtasy (13871km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU M47, 4.9K, 21 ultraweed
The forecast today was epic so my heart sank when I arrived at work this morning and saw the amount of work we had to get through. I managed to get out at 2.30 and was at Liptons by 4. Wind mostly 18 - 23 gusting to 27 when I rigged.
I couldn't get good crosswind speed to have a good base speed for the bear aways today, but I managed to hook into one good gust for a 34.5 peak. One other run was a 34.2. I headed over to the Liptons side to try my luck there but everyone had come in and it was getting late so I thought I had better stop also. I had fun but I would have liked another knot of speed. Still managed a top 5 2 sec and 5X. I am having a good year for speed. That 35 has to be there somewhere.
It was good to catch up with a big crew of Pinnaroos and M Mobbers and share the stoke of some PBs.
Happy to see some of the crew had better luck in other places.
Pointman (25443km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Big day out at Liptons.
Got down there around 10:40, and it looked to be around 18K and building, so I hit the water on the M112 + 7.6 + 33 Tribal WS combo. Breeze was a bit holey, so after half an hour on this set-up I went back in and grabbed the M137 + 42 vector weedy, which was better in the lulls.
Decided to have a crack at an hour, but I was nervous about depth with the big fin, so I worked my way upwind and started the hour just south of the entrance to the cut. Good fun trying to keep the big board moving across the wind through the chop. Got some nice alphas on the big girl cranking turns through the shallows on the eastern side of the esturary.
Came in after the hour for a snack and a board change, back to the M112 + 33 Tribal.
Spent the next hour or so on this set-up, which got me my peak speed, 3 out of 5 10-sec runs and the mile. I was tempted to stay on this gear, but after 110 kays the 7.6 was getting tiring, so I came in again to change down to the 90 Gladiator + 6.6 TR7 + 27 Tribal WS.
Last hour or so on the smaller gear was definitely more relaxing. I didn't go any quicker, but I did manage a PB alpha (by a bees dick, but I'll take it ). KA72 only gave me a 24.23, but I'm going with the GPSAR result.
Got two alphas over 24K, smoking entry speeds (31-32K) and good min speeds, but I was concerned about making proximity cos the arcs were big, and looking at my tracks I over-corrected and pinched upwind too much on the exits (on GE my entry / exit tracks are within 40m). I should have done a few more for insurance, but I was getting pretty tired by then.
Great to see a few Pinnaroo team mates out giving it heaps.
Great day. Probably one of my best overall GTC sessions, so I'm rapt, it's been a long time between PB drinks.
Kenny (16394km):
2404 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
A bit of a Pinnafest at Liptons! Went down hoping to get a 2sec PB but wasnt happening but still happy to improve on the alphas. Wind was a bit more gusty and southerly than on a normal seabreeze at Liptons. The southerly wind made for a wind shadow behind point grey where all the flat water was. The liptons side would have been better wind wise but the thick weed was a bit too draggy.
5.5 Tr7, 91 mistral, 25 tribal ws.
Ricey (11089km):
2404 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Pretty poor session.
Rigged 5.8 Koncept which was probably OK for a few minutes, then wind picked up so never felt comfortable.
Started on 105 Rocket then moved to 80 RRD but by this time wind picked up even more and I did not have the courage to bear away to try any speed runs.
Should have really changed to smaller sail but was pretty tired by then.
NIce to see two dolphins, and survive with no injuries.
Snake (23888km):
2404 days ago 2 categories Safety Bay, WA, AU.
I've finally done it !!!! Yeeeeeeeehar!!!! The Beaver 40 eludes me no more! Happy days!!!!
Late session, starting around 5 with a broken batten (no idea how it happened, just was there), with rolling chop all over the entry. Just kept at it and milked every last gust I could get my sail into, just waiting for clear water when the kiters left. Finally cleared out and had a few ripper strings of gusts. 40.54 on the Dial. Utter bliss. Would have loved another 2 or 3 knots when fully lit on the run, but getting into the entry with that wind would have been a real challenge! Need to go back to my glass of champagne right now. So stoked!!
CA SP 47, MXR UFO 22, KA Race 6.3, 5kg lead in the vest