Marchy (8184km):
1175 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Great session. Lots going on and very entertaining. Was good to sail with Pit Crew and Bogans. Good advice from Peter Daish on technique and stance. Good to sail with Mr Goon Pillow too. Nice beers after!
Andy was right, the wind did come in later. Not as strong as forecast but still worth a sail.
Was going to go to cockies after it turned a bit more southerly. But, one of the Pit Crew decided to hide his keys in a place that no-one was ever going to find them so he couldn't drive his van... so came back to 5 mile 
After we managed to stop making key based jokes decided I better make the most of 5 mile.
First rigged the 7.8 Severne and 110 Patrik. Quickly realised I was way overpowered so changed to 80 Litre iSonic and 6.2 Severne Overdrive with 24cm Atomic Weed Speed. That was good and seemed to work well. A bit choppy and the really strong wind didn't really last that long. Still good!