Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Gloria | | | | | | |
Flex | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
kai | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Reg | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
The Shroom | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
Jeff |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Jemma |
ComeWhatMay |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Lunny |
tailwind |
Flatchat |
Snickers |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 41.29 | 39.14 | 16.06 | 23.50 | 28.69 | 84.06 |
Gloria (1122km):
796 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Could have sworn I was going faster 🙁 But happy just to be out there! Started with 6m but was very quickly overpowered, changed to a 5m Hope to do better next time. Severne 6 and 5 ncx Tabou rocket, and a fangy fin. 😀
Flex (20553km):
796 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU. Fun in the sun with many of the usual suspects but think some tried their luck with parking at Liptons, (nice to finally meet you Basil). Rigged 7m as didn't feel that windy and finally got round to replacing the SDM cams to RDM. That was two errors. Was seriously overcooked and the super reliable FF22 was spinning out big time but oddly only on starboard tack. Fiddled forever with harness lines trying to manage it but figured it was just too much power. This meant all alpha attempts couldn't put power down on one leg so was surprised to get a 2nd best. Riggged down and main battern had broken and poking through sail...arg...Shouldn't have changed the cams... iSonic97, KAR7, FF22
Windxtasy (14541km):
795 days ago Coodanup 18 - 22 kn, slightly choppy water, no smooth. Very warm water, Weed dying
54 Manta 5.4Koncept, 21 Tribal superweed, then 47Mistral 5.4Koncept, 21 Tribal superweed
It was a day of equipment failure. I considered sailing Point Grey for less chop, but in light of my snapped harness line, it was a good thing I was at Coodanup. I have had to sail back from Point grey with only one harness line before, and it wasn't fun.
Inhaul rope broke while rigging so I changed to the Chinook boom. It was mostly a testing and tuning day today. 21TSW was not big enough for either board to get upwind efficiently. Could not get over 31 kn with the Manta. Changed to the mistral with same rig and fin and immediately got to 34.5 on my first run, and was accelerating nicely, then the harness line snapped. Back to base to change booms. Had to replace the snapped inhaul rope first.
Went out again but could not improve on speed.
The TSW kept catching weed in the shallows when starting off, and was too small overall. Back to the Fangy fin next time, and forget starting with the Manta.
kai (5458km):
795 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Fun sail at Liptons, stoked to be hitting 40s.
6.3 SCR, 49 iSonic, 22 weed speed
Woody-Mark (16200km):
795 days ago Peel Inlet
Arrived to wind and chop so used the weedspeed fin for once which felt nice. Fun trying to line up the gusts in the right spot. Hit a ray but didn't get come off but thought my luck may run out so headed back. A keen bunch out today lining up the runs. Good session. Falcon 56 Evo 12 5.8 Weedspeed 22
Reg (3745km):
795 days ago Well, it was windy and the tide was high. Not a lot of flat water except....right in front of where we parked by the toilet block. So, I tried to improve my Alpha speed right there next to may van and it worked. Gloria was flying as was Anita...a day for the ladies methinks.
Antman (26537km):
795 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
First time out at liptons for quite some time,,had a ball with the boyz.Tag team with kai on the 6.3SCR,49 ISO,22 ws,had my fastest speeds on this set up.5.8SCR 47 mistral,20 ws,still good but wanted more.
Pos (15022km):
795 days ago Point Grey (Liptons), WA
Big session with a big crew. Great to see lots of people with lots of smiles down at Liptons today. Certainly picked a good day to take the afternoon off work. Windtech 9'4" with 6.1 Loft RB. What a blast! No PB's unfortunately 
Boz (46967km):
795 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Fun day with a big crew at PG. great to see Glen end it for speed of the day, usual suspects. Was fun going across the channel but once over at PG was flat for good speeds, some good speed by the guys who rigged for the conditions stoked to see quite a few 40s from the boyz.
AV52 KAR 5.2
Ricey (11089km):
795 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Fun in the sun at gusty Melville
125 rocket, then 90 Xfire, 6.5 2XS, 22 and 18 deltas
The Shroom (820km):
792 days ago Great sailing at Coodanup on the 24/01/23.
sorry Reuben but this session was prior to you joining the GPSTC so I have had to delete these numbers. There will be plenty more! Windxtasy