Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Pepe47 | | | | | | |
Stu | | | | | | |
Rod | | | | | | |
Mitch | | | | | | |
Duffy | | | | | | |
sms09 | | | | | | |
STROPPO | | | | | | |
Tomski |
Kenno |
Fudge |
CJ |
Ji-Normous |
Saltynuts |
Girl Speed |
Kaison |
Strawbs |
Windsup |
Maxx |
Paulo |
Tommy Maciejewski |
Average | 40.77 | 38.06 | 19.41 | 23.39 | 28.24 | 102.56 |
Pepe47 (12846km):
4019 days ago 6.3m ka, 61 manta, 27cm albany weedie. Short session at liptons. Good to see a bunch of people enjoying the conditions. 
Had a muppet moment when changing down, looked up to see my board flying towards me. Normally a bit more careful than that. Landed on the boom creasing the hull, doh! Time to go...
Thanks for the glassware Anita, spectacular work 
Stu (1837km):
4019 days ago Liptons, WA, AU
What a spot! 
I think i reached terminal velocity for the JP FSW 92L cos i don't think it will get much better than that to go faster.
4 of my 5 x 10's in the 30's so i very happy with that. 
Got half way home and realised i still had Rod's fin in my board, so thanks for the free fin Rod 
I'm buggered.
Oh, and it was good to put some faces to names too.
Nice to meet you Pepe and Duffy and also Anita from the Pinnaroos
And finally, thanks to Stroppo and Rod for some Carpark Tips. The Speed PB's come after the fin swap. 
Rod (10499km):
4019 days ago 1 categories  that was the best way to finnish the working week great company and huge smile all round
NP 6.2 RSS
Tabou manta 74ltr
23 weedy
Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Mitch (3084km):
4019 days ago nice sail could not think of a better way to finish off the school week and the afternoon thank you elmo for showing me another way to sail liptons payed off big time
4.6 tushingham x15
63 ltr tabou manta
16 cm weedy
Inlet, WA, AU
Duffy (6171km):
4019 days ago 1 categories  86L Manta/63L JP Speed, 5.5 Savage, 25 Fudge Weed
Another top arvo at Liptons with many GPSTC crew on the water...not sure if it was the sheer number of windsurfers or the breeze that scared all the kiters away, either way we had the water to ourselves for the majority of the arvo.
Started out going for 1hr and to notch up a few KM but somehow a troublesome piece of weed found its way inside the fin box...grrrrrrr...had to stop to clear it but still happy with the hr. Switched to the 63L to try and do some good 2s and 5x10....aparently it worked! Although now sporting a headache after a few unplanned dismounts, changed a few things and immediately saw the numbers going up and the effort required going down, SWEET!!!!
Once again thanks to all who ventured down as it makes the sesssion all the more enjoyable so many grins on the beach afterwards. It was also great to watch Slowy and Stroppo slug it out for the 2s....CST for the win!
Liptons, WA, AU
sms09 (12757km):
4019 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU CA58,TR6 5.1, FO 25 weedy,to lazy to change up to a bigger sail, but was ok what i used, not going to complain on what was achieved
STROPPO (34221km):
4019 days ago Liptons mega sesh for cst yeehaa! that was super lots of people out getting pbs and smiles happy days had 2 offs one at full noise a spinout at 41 followed by a arse drag before i ran out of water and a spinout out in the chop with a dug in rail then a exit of the board snaped a harness line in the process and brained myself glad i had a helmet on then i got my best speeds after that it seemed to wake me up that little bit more. Well done to all the pbs throughout the team awesome job dudes 