Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Clue Thirst | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
kai | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Topcat | | | | | | |
tailwind | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
Jeff |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Windxtasy |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Ricey |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Lunny |
Flatchat |
Snickers |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Reg |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 35.11 | 33.66 | 17.73 | 24.49 | 31.31 | 91.82 |
Flex (19801km):
770 days ago 1 categories  Princess Royal Harbour, WA, AU. Morning session: 11.4kts, sun out so looked like a good day to test another annular fin. Was planning on finishing V7 and 8 here camping but haven't got round to it due to too much sailing so went out with V2.5 and fin camV1. Lots of faffying about with the whole lot but eventually went out. Wasn't expecting fin to last as was PVC version with xfer plate on the annular section so looked like an elephant man fin. Anyway's got going straight away which seems to be the strength of these things, turned around, got to 20kts and over. Decided to switch to FF28 and film it with Fin cam V1 and V2 but had left my quiver of fins back at base camp and only had FF22 so used that. Was harder to get going but managed to get a few shots (I think). Tribe wanted to go for a big walk so had to stop. Went walking and of course a beautiful 15kts the whole time but wasn't all bad as a multitude of hang gliders and model RC gliders enjoying the breeze flying over our heads. Finally tired the tribe out and went out again this time with the beast FF28 with aim to film it in action. Managed to break my stick on fin cam 2 and resulting stub was too low so had to get back to shore to dump that camera...suffice to say session was very short but still beautiful in the warm water and sun. All sounds pretty nerdy but will hopefully make sense onbe day. iSonic117, Svt8.6 FF15AV2.5 with 80mm Chord, then FF22, then FF28
Clue Thirst (145km):
770 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Decided to take a break from the chop today. Avery relaxing session at Melville.
Fox 120 & Gator 6.5, 40cm pointer
Boz (45791km):
770 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU
Lots out nice way to start the new year
kai (5378km):
769 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Was hoping to go for some serious distance today and get some decent speed as the wind picked up but it never really happened. Still happy with my first sail for the year, lots more to come.
6.3 SCR, 53 Patrik, 20 Delta
Antman (25969km):
769 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA, AU
Underdone today with equipment choice but a great day to start the year. Stoked to see mr Windtec flying around :) Under powerd by the 5.8 SCR,47 Mistral ,16,18 delta
Topcat (1855km):
769 days ago Peli Point
Wind almost identical to yesterday to start off with but tapered off late afternoon - just as I decided to drop to the 5.5 after a spectacular catapault! Frustrating trying to get a good alpha as wind was dropping off out the middle of the river, which is the opposite of what it normally does but otherwise was a good session as getting the hang of bearing away when there's less kiters. Happy with my first 5x10 sec in the 30's! AV68/34Powermax/SV 6.2 Mach4
tailwind (7504km):
769 days ago Fun arvo on the flats
6.2 ; 92 Patrik; 18 Tribal delta
Pos (14725km):
769 days ago Coodanup, WA
Great session with a bunch of enthusiasts! Awesome way to start the NY!