Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Stewart McKay | | | | | | |
Anthony Perkins | | | | | | |
Tom | | | | | | |
Todd Sushames | | | | | | |
Dave Morehead | | | | | | |
Kazza | | | | | | |
Ray Thorne | | | | | | |
Steve200 | | | | | | |
Jock C | | | | | | |
Ferg | | | | | | |
Barry | | | | | | |
Kaleb Smith | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Bear |
Izaak Perkins |
James Brient |
Jordan Murray |
Gordo |
Richard CS |
Johno |
Jack |
Jason |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Paul Tenteye |
Geoff Broomby |
Jez |
Easty |
Anthony Houston |
Marlon |
Russell Dowd |
Jodi |
Fos |
Sim |
Azza |
Ben Wilson |
Waynos |
Klaas Hartmann |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
veitz |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Al |
cookie |
Parky |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 43.59 | 39.40 | 21.24 | 22.23 | 24.78 | 52.11 |
Stewart McKay (8820km):
3583 days ago Plenty of wind today and always happy to get in the 40+
Small crew of just Ray, Perks, Todd, Tom and myself
Anthony Perkins (23512km):
3583 days ago 2 categories   Port Sorrell, TAS, AU
the port was super flat today, the forecast was good but the wind was like spiky gusts ,you would dive off in a gust and sail out the back of it if that makes sense.i am stoked with the new 5m ,great top end and good low power to get you going.
great day loved it and two new numbers in my top 5 chart
JPspeed 45 NP evo6 5m2 C3 19 proto sweed
Tom (2350km):
3583 days ago JP All Ride 116 NP 6.2RSR EVOII.
Good to be out, enjoying the new board.
Todd Sushames (6575km):
3583 days ago Port Sorrell, TAS, AU real fun speed session with only a few of us out started out on jp49 for first half hour then grabbed patrik39 for rest of session.jp49,pd39,naish5.2,bp24and21.
Dave Morehead (30097km):
3583 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU iSonic 110, 7.8 OD and 40cm DW
Freerace first up. Wind was light to start and then came in around 25-30 knots! Overpowered and pretty choppy. Then slalom was next up. Four heats completed in light winds, but cancelled as a lot of sailors were having trouble planing and making it to the marks, as the wind was swinging around. Eventually got some wind to allow those four heats to be re-run before the tide got too low.
Kazza (14133km):
3583 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU
7.0 OD R6 97 iSonic 34 Sting ll
2nd day of Freerace. Started out with the right kit in a nice breeze, then half way through it started howling and it turned into survival mode with all the big gear. Was totally knacked at the end.
Ray Thorne (6975km):
3583 days ago 2 categories   Port Sorrell, TAS, AU Such an enjoyable day at the bar!! Like Perks said, spikey gusts swirling across the run, getting the gusts to line up was a bit of a lottery. the water was perfect the angle good and the croud spot on. If only we could sail with head lights on we would be back out there now, wind is smoking as i type this
JP SPEED 45, OD 5.6, Slingy 21
Steve200 (37512km):
3583 days ago Pitt Water, TAS, AU. Isonic 87, ODR5 5.6 and Volt 2 30cm.
Windier than yesterday, airport read over 50 knots. I sailed up to the top of the causeway to try and get a run along there but it was just a solid wall of white water coming over. Impossible to sail along there. I made my way to the chicken run and that was survival mode sailing. Then this huge Rhino cargo pod came flying off someones car right in front of me into the water. I some how managed to rescue that with backpacks, suitcases and all sotrs of stuff coming out of it. Big well done to the Naish speed boys Fergus and Jock for sailing in those insane conditions Also good job Al and Justin too
Jock C (898km):
3583 days ago Really quite a crappy day for a sail, but was desperate to try out the new speed board! Had up to 50 knots blowing through all day, was pure survival - spent more time holding on to my gear in the water than actually sailing! Chop was hellish as well. Still, was starting to get a feel for the board by the end of the day. Only had one really bad crash which has left me feeling a bit weird and i have a lump next to my eye, but its not too bad. Really should have used the 90L, but you know how it is with new toys.
R5 5.6m, Naish SP60, Vector Weed Speed 21
Pitt Water, TAS, AU
Ferg (5153km):
3583 days ago Pitt Water, TAS, AU Naish sp 60, vector w/s 21, Severne 4.6
Horrid sail today, shame about the 2 second. Really struggled to sail and be powered up with the 4.6 or to avoid the 40 knot gusts and get smashed. Super choppy and really didn't want to hurt my new board so all these factors made for a tricky sail. New 5.1 would have been perfect today. Can't wait to use that combination on a good day when it arrives.
Barry (24372km):
3582 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
Kaleb Smith (21269km):
3577 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU