Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Pepe47 | | | | | | |
Tomski | | | | | | |
sms09 | | | | | | |
STROPPO | | | | | | |
Rod |
Mitch |
Stu |
Kenno |
Fudge |
CJ |
Duffy |
Ji-Normous |
Saltynuts |
Girl Speed |
Kaison |
Strawbs |
Windsup |
Maxx |
Paulo |
Tommy Maciejewski |
Average | 38.89 | 37.15 | 28.97 | 26.94 | 36.22 | 131.73 |
Pepe47 (12846km):
3304 days ago 6.4m rss, ca sl58, 24cm pepeweed, ca sl53, 21cm g10 pepeweed. Great day out with the mandurah mob and the Cst. Got to try out the 53 which turned out to be a lot of fun with the right fin. Some awesome numbers from Stroppo and Tomski, can't wait to see their posts. A tad too much water before lunch which made finding some flat water on the nm run a bit of a chore, but Decrep seemed to have it sorted. So followed him down some runs and had some good stretches of powered up blasts. Headed back home after lunch and hope my sacrifice was appreciated, from all accounts it worked   
Tomski (21953km):
3304 days ago Albany, WA
Mistral 91, TRXI 6.6, Pepe Tribe 29
Mistral 47, TRXI 5.5, Pepe Tribe 25
Great mission to the land of the easterly with Ploppo and one of the twins. Finally got it windy'ER. Tide a little high for Nm but great session all the same. Hats off to Pepe on another sensational fin. Great company last night and today (even ran into Evets, who I havent seen in quiet some time )
The drive home still sucked!!
sms09 (12757km):
3303 days ago Albany, WA, AU CAsl112,TR6 6.6,Delta22sl / CAsl87,TR6 5.5,Pepe22/48. Went out first while the tide was low do a hr 30mins into it tide started coming in and so did the wind and bottom panel on the 6.6 ripped, uv nasty stuff to mono film. Come in rigged up smaller kit,had a feed backout. Wow what a fin pepe downwind/upwind amazing,gybing it will happen need to use it more often, as been getting to used to plugging in the deltas all the time .
STROPPO (34566km):
3301 days ago Albany, WA, AU Awesome day on the water and great company and super vibe its amazing how good conditions lift everybody's spirit. A big thanks to Pepe for the loan of your fins they are very good it's my first time using Chris Lockwoods fins and they are frigin sweet Pepe has modified them further to handle the heavy weed. My first time sailing on top of the weed bank the tide was never high enough so very enjoyable out there. Sweet session from Tom and Pepe welldone fellars Shaneo still to post as well a great team effort by CST 😎 SONIC 56 NUDE 47 GPS 6.6 ,6.0 PEPE TRIBAL 27 VECTOR DELTA SPEED WEED 23 HAPPY DAYS 🙂 All the best numbers were done on the sonic that is ten years old a oldie but a goodie. Still amped from this sesh Happy days !
