George (32558km):
3109 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU || 15-25 SW
RS3 /Koncept 6.6 /MUF Delta 20
Underpowered the first half of the session, then some nice gusts. The big board made it a lot smoother and was super stable in the chop. And also today Buff Point was the lucky place to be: three of us found banknotes on the grass ! If anyone lost money let us know the denominations and it will be given back.
Nigel (4616km):
3109 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU || SSW 20-30 knts
Great day at Budgie. Used 3 diferent boards, but did about 90klms on the 87. The wind got pretty gnarly in the early arvo and hanging onto a 7.3 was challenging when so exhausted. I considered changing down to a 6.6 and going for 150klms, but the wind was backing off about 3pm, so I called it a day. What can I say, I'm totally spent after that session. Epic fun!
Good to sail with my man, Georgio, and always nice to catch up with the local crew, Matty D, Johnny, Mick, Greg, Steve, Andrew, Byron, Lids etc. Thanks for the jump leads, Andrew :)
