Andrew (15048km):
2629 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU || 18-26kt SSW || 118 Manta, 8.6OD/6.6TR, 40/33 Gun
Initially rigged big but was proven wrong almost straight away. Settled nicely with the 6.6; sailed early with Sue, then handed over to Wayno for the arvo shift. Could have done with a bit more west in it, but Canton on a sunny summer day (and a new episode of Vikings on TV tonite 😁) can't complain about that.

Remi Dunoyer (24497km):
2629 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Exocet RS3-4 - Loftsails RB 7.0
Started with the RS3 and then RS4, was a bit back to front as the breeze feshened up. Great time on a not so angry Southerly with Erik.

Erik (2432km):
2628 days ago 1 categories  Kyeemagh, NSW, AU. Exocet RS3, AC1 7.9m, 40cm Sontag. I know the fin should be too big but it works. Well powered for the afternoon, 12-14 kts measured on the beach sure felt like 15-20 on the bay. Very nice sail with Remi, a bit bumpy but good fun. Didn't hit any debris, traffic getting there was fine and I can't feel any sea lice - all good. 