Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Brenden Dunn | | | | | | |
Tony Polony | | | | | | |
NBR | | | | | | |
Ben Flood | | | | | | |
Dezza | | | | | | |
Feilian | | | | | | |
Geoff | | | | | | |
Mudskipper |
Bristol |
Ian Knight |
Samuel Brain |
Paul Dorsett |
SkindupTruk |
FormulaNova |
Jeff Maitland |
Jase |
KA360 |
AUS2001 |
Anna |
troll |
mick |
Pete |
Geezer |
AUS3111 |
Troll |
Rhys |
rick |
Brooksy |
Sam |
road runner |
Tricky Dicky |
Peter Berckelman |
Gav |
Kye |
nikipiki |
Andrew |
AUS-8 |
AUS-81 |
Peanut (Liam) |
COZA12 |
Matty Nix |
Geoffrey Two Dogs |
Average | 32.86 | 30.96 | 17.63 | 21.90 | 25.27 | 93.71 |
Brenden Dunn (7738km):
2593 days ago 1 categories  Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU Ray 130 / Manta 98 / Noa 7.0 / BP38.
Cracker of a day with the Teamies. Exhausted!
Tony Polony (15626km):
2593 days ago 2 categories   Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
PD SL100 / R8 OD 7.0 / fins various & PD SL87 / R8 OD 5.8 / Vector DSW 27
Great day at SP with the Gusties and the Speedsters. Awesome to have a blast with big Stu. Would have loved to have seen him in action on the foil.
Wind took its time to come through but when it did, it was awesome. Very choppy in the middle but what's new?

NBR (16665km):
2593 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU 101 Futura 6.5 Ezzy MXR. Nice arvo sails with fellow Gusties after a mornings work.
Ben Flood (3609km):
2593 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
quick blast between coaching the other half
CA94 Turbo7.5
Dezza (34097km):
2593 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
80/6.2/24 then 5.7/keef 22
Once of those summer days at SP with a great bunch of teamies and speedsters, wind looked a bit on/off but hoped it was coming with the 6.2, a bit too light for that but later it came good then of course I had to change down. Great to see Stu out there, Brendan was on fire, everyone having a good time. Great distance peebee BD!!
Feilian (14464km):
2592 days ago sanga pt nsw: left the gt31 on for the trip home and couldnt be saved to card so had to manualy post from realspeed,
rigged the 5.8 thinking the wind would pick up ,should have rigged the 6.4 but happy with the 5.8 as im venturing out into the open waters and going for the jibes on the gusts and swell so happy with the result , as usual a great performance from the team and great to catch up with new teamie Geoff and bad luck with the mast bud 
naishsp80,22cm weed, n/p evo5 5/8
Geoff (732km):
2592 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
101 Isonic, 6.2 reflex 2, 42 blackprojects weedie (smallest tuttle box weedie I have)
Arvo session with the gustbusters & a few others, under done on the 6.2 most of the time & over finned at times in the bigger gusts
First session on the Isonic, went better then I was expecting even though it was gusty, probably could have done more work trying to tune in the rig, broke the mast about 10min before it was head in time.