Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
JohnM | | | | | | |
Artur Kowalski | | | | | | |
Barks | | | | | | |
Nigel | | | | | | |
George | | | | | | |
Roar | | | | | | |
Jethrow |
Karl |
Waiting4wind |
Laff77 |
Peter (Wineman) |
Adrian Vos |
Carol |
AlfaMale |
Sparky |
Cheeky Monkey |
Remi Dunoyer |
Palleaon |
Dean Seal |
Starboard64 |
Andrew |
Erik |
Dieter |
Rico |
Rodskeg |
Jules |
Greg Kay |
Remi Roques |
Average | 34.21 | 31.28 | 18.69 | 22.11 | 25.90 | 107.06 |
JohnM (4237km):
3390 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Very gusty noreaster..again..
Was better once I switched to the bigger board.
Artur Kowalski (21634km):
3390 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Such a nice day on the water with DD guys.
Exocet RS4, Mauisails TRX7.0, fin 38
Barks (3586km):
3390 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Falcon 101, TRXI 7.0, 37 Vmax
Nice summer afternoon NE with bumps.
Fanging around the DD's was great fun.
Nigel (4616km):
3390 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
PD115/PD100, GPS6.6, BP RS38/34
Wow, another great afternoon on the Bay. I wanted to do 80klms before the end of the year and boy was I feeling those last 15 or so. I decided to call it quits when I kept dropping gybes coz my arms felt like soggy noodles. Not sure how my body's going to hold up to another 2 days of this... anyway, sail now pay later . First 55klms I did on the Partik 115 and, in retrospect, I probably should stayed on it. It was a bit gusty for the smaller board and I seemed to be gybing better with more volume, but damn the gusts were fun on the 100ltr. Top speed wasn't so great today, but my legs were rooted on all my bareaways once I was riding the 100. Anyway, stoked to get 2 PBs that I've been building up to for a while now. And also stoked to put my first 1000klms on the odometer 
EDIT: Add tracks and wind

George (32558km):
3389 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU || 16-26 NE
i97/ TR9-6.6/ Sonntag35
great day, lots of friends, good fun, getting used again to the isonic.
Congratulations on the pbs John and Nigel. Nigel, you're on fire, will get to 2000 before new year for sure ! 
Roar (11958km):
3389 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
fun day - managed to have ride on the jp 90 and 5.9 TRX - so good when there is enuf wind for it
looking forward for more tomorrow and maybe a double demrits trip to sanctuary point on sunday/