Decrepit (55250km):
4456 days ago 2 categories   An out of control session with the cap'n at Yoyo's, bit too out of control for me, ended up twisting my foot, now on crutches. Dr reckons nothing broken, just sprained ligaments/tendons. But if it's worse in the morning, then it's X-ray time.
Wind was only about 10deg off square, I was doing 27/29 on the run back and 30/32 on the run down if I didn't bear off from the bar.
Recently there was a thread on seabreeze, "you know you're old when", well I found another one.
When you spend the whole session on a board without realising it's the wrong one!
I could have sworn I was on the 43, (thought it had a lot of buoyancy but put that down to the hyper salinity), but when I was down rigging, the 43 was bone dry and the 48 was wet.
Used the koncept 5.0 (wind wasn't that strong when we rigged), should have changed down to the Avi 4.7, then I may have actually used the 43, may not be limping now if I had.
Arrived home to find the shade sails in a mess. Broken pole, and the ancient side stitching had let go in a few places. Didn't help my foot getting them down!!!
Isn't hind sight a wonderful thing!
Hardie (35900km):
4456 days ago 2 categories   What a wild day, saw one of my bestest mates crash, and hurt his ankle and couldnt sail anymore , 12/10 for Gutz Decrepit, on that run , the wind was blowing 35kts plus, the water was foaming, and he just went for it!!!!!! Got the wobbles then this almighty explosion of water and spray!! Glad nothing too overly serious. Rigged 5.9m, had 2 runs totally over=powered and out of control, doing wheelies down the run, getting lifted onto my toes, went back in changed to 5.5m, that was a bit more manageable but still getting lifted onto my toes in the gusts. Running square to the wind, doing about 35 to 36kts per run, thought I try one big bear away into the chop, scared the crap out of myself, pulled it up as chop was getting scary 39.4kts on the dial, and then self-preservation took over, thought I'm not gonna go for it anymore, I did one more run very cautiously, saw decrepit was near shore, and ended the day
Nude Streaker 46 Brillaint Board, C3 Slingshot 21cm, Gr8 fin, TR-7 5.5m, not sure about this sail, first time on it, wild out of control conditions, jury out whether I like it or not.
Tomski (21953km):
4455 days ago 1 categories  Rsoles, WA
ReflexII 5.6, Mistral 47, Lockwood 21/Lockwood 23.5 assy
Flew in this morning straight off a 14 hour nightshift. Packed the van. Arrived to see 4 lads with grins like kids at christmas. 45 knot speed mentioned lots. Tryed to rig but the night shift brain wasn't working. Eventually got out there and started hitting consistant 40's, but couldn't get past it. Had a chat to Slowy and with a quick visit to his fin bag solved the problem. Cheers for the fin(which is mine now) & the tips mate. 41.65 first run . Steadily increased from there, and the 10 sec became more consistant. Happy DAYS!!
Saw Recycle vapourise from a front row seat with Slowy. OUCHHHH. Looked so bad. Disconnected my sail and paddled out to find a rattled but still in one piece Recycle (who was slightly crossed eyed). Hope all is well mate.
Keep chewing those pain killer Crasher 'toe smasher'. We gotta sail tomorrow!!
Well done to the all the PB's. Massive numbers . It was a pleasure being there, great atmoshere, company and even huey pulled his finger out.
Anyone requiring a mud map of Rsoles Email me: (not posting it anywhere for fear of kites, keep it in windsurfing please).
More than happy to share .