Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
otts | | | | | | |
SluGger | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Hardie | | | | | | |
fangy | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
(Puf-) fin | | | | | | |
Firiebob | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Shane121 | | | | | | |
evets | | | | | | |
Oaf | | | | | | |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
man of |
Sammy the snail |
Pepe47 |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 40.41 | 38.86 | 14.20 | 23.96 | 28.92 | 69.37 |
otts (5493km):
2971 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
had a quick sail
SluGger (14070km):
2971 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
iso 87l rsr5.5 mxr26
Awesome gusts down the run, had a ball, Yeehaaaa.
Stretch (32270km):
2971 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU. A terrific arvo's sail with Slugger and then Otts. Gusty, but with some good bullets coming through. 40kts was on the cards, but yet again, I couldnt quite line up the gusts. Still very happy with my 2S, which I think is my PB for Australind. CA52/GPS6.0/VectorWS23   
Hardie (35900km):
2971 days ago 2 categories   Peel Inlet, WA, AU Posted with KA72, Liptons, thats as good as it gets for me, ecstatic with my 5 x 10 PB, I thought I should stay out and go for my 5 x 10 Pb, but I could feel my heart was on the verge of palpitations (I have SinusVentricularTachicardia), so I thought don't be stupid its only numbers, but I got it anyway Woo Fucking Hoo , Lots of PB's at Liptons today. Elmo has his Mojo back , Steve was flying, Decrep looked really fast. Slowboat gave a masterclass. Fave Gear combination Mistral Speed 95; MS TR9 6.3m, Pepeweed 22 (now 21) 48 degree rake. I am buzzing
fangy (22923km):
2971 days ago Yeeha! that was even more fun than sailing with King Stretch. In short, I had an absolute blast. TTFD
The muppet was the offender this time. Once again I was happily ensconsed on the couch of rumination, when the furry fiend requested my company at Liptons in order to give the place some class.........Eventually, I wandered down to the estuary and then scooted back to the pad for my gear. With the departure of Stretch, Fangyland had recovered!
I rigged up at The Hook which was ideal for me and Pas, but unfortunately, probably a bit shallow for everyone else. The duo of Wannabee Toby's, Tugger and briefly Anita ( plus a couple of kites etc) joined me. Anita had a fit of commonsense, and Toby had a fit of trampolining. The result, Anita left for deeper waters and Toby destroyed a sail.
The plan was to do a tour on the Party Barge and check out where were the best spots and then back in and change to the Windtech floppy tail. In the end I did one run on the Windtech and gave up. It's going to take a long time for me to master that beast. The rest of the time was spent on the Barge. So, 3 metres and 140litres of Party Barge, Koncept 6.6 with ample duct tape, and the FatFangy20(ish), did the job of keeping a smile on the dial. I still find it hilarious to get the massive nose of the barge up and hammering. It just seems to be an insult to all the laws of physics, but it's a massive giggle for me. I decided the Chutney Run was going to be the course of choice. Everyone else decided that I was an idiot, and stayed out in the deeper water. Except Pas, who wisely waited until the tide filled in a little more, but still made me hold my breath when he kept charging across the sand patch, which still had kids sand castles on it last I looked.
The end result was my numbers are not in bold, but they should be. This was a massive PB on the Barge, a massive PB on the FatFangy fin and should have been a host of sensational alphas. I just ran too wide. Doh! What a buzz to be unhooking at 34+ knots and carving the barge. I am still grinning like a clown writing this. Racing caravans at its best, and I am pretty confident this is the fastest this old board has ever travelled on water. Plus,my fin provided plenty of lift and behaved perfectly. I built confidence with every run and I just kept doing this for as long as my muscles could hold.
Pas turned up as the wind really started to build and my only regret was that I was physically spent. And seriously overpowered and couldn't really enjoy it with him. I watched him do a really deep inside run along the shore and he seemed to be flying. It looked fab with the bright green Koncept and spray lit up against the trees and Wamba St foreshore. By now there was 25 knots on the windgauge and I charged in one last time.
Exhausted but stoked. Man I love this gig sometimes. Defo in the Top Ten of Top Ten Fangy days.  

Elmo (32123km):
2971 days ago 1 categories  NP RSR E9 7.0m Tabou Rocket wide 108L & JP Weed 31cm, Tabou Manta 54 & Pepe weed 23.5cm
Huge sacrafice by Stroppo today carries muchum Mojo.
Big thanks to Franga not turning up and becalming us
Yeefarkenhar what a day,
Started out with the Rocket as the breeze was a bit wafty, once half way accross the estuary I was able to get going my baby took of like a scalded cat, doing runs over on Pt Grey as it was to shallw in the corner where everyone else was playing, was having fun but maxed out around 37knots and the sail was getting to be a bit of a handfull.
Went back decided to be seriously optimistic and plugged the 54 on, yeahbaby first run a 38 with the mastfoot a touch to far back had the board want to float a bit to high above the water.
Once tuned it was game on, 4x +40knot runs on the dial today absolutely stoked with that.
The day wasn't all beer and skittles, got stung by two devil fish, attacked by two crabs one of which double tapped me when he decided I needed to squeel some more and had some thing quite large swim into my leg.
There was alos a nice dismount at ~37knits when my sail got blown out of my hands at the end of a run resulting in me falling back using my freckle as a sea anchor.
So many happy faces out there today, theres going to be a truck load of PB's posted tonight.
Top 1 Elmo day
I hurt good
(Puf-) fin (15898km):
2971 days ago Peel WA AU
Swang on over to fangys on my way back into town to see a few sailers out,... I was thinking everyone would be at liptons.
Was fun but tiering, only lasted about an hour, the chop out in the deep wasnt very freindy and the berges over the shalow
were thick but not too many. Had the 47/43board, ka kon5.8, elmo60/17cm and all went well.
Firiebob (18162km):
2971 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU, GW-60
Wow what a day, heading down towards Mandurah my alternator died, actually fried it's self, bloody Toyotas it's only done 330,000 K's. I did think turn around but wanted to catch up with everyone especially the Albany crew who I haven't met before. Battery was completely dead on way home, no lights no gauges no nothing, got to love an old school diesel 
Enough of that, so happy I came down, sailed here quite a few times before but have never done too well here before. Today it all fell into place, new board, fin and sail, whole setup was sweet as. Been loving the Tribal whether on the flats or in the ocean, might flick all my slalom fins. Loving the Carbon Art and Koncept 
I think a couple of PB's, so happy as I never thought I'd get to crack the 40 any more, last Pb was at LG which is as good as it gets. Shared a few beers and plenty of the old yack yack as I do. Bonus number one son was still home and pretended he was excited for me ha, rum was nice too  
Carbon Art SL87,Tribal 27 WS, 2017 5.8 KA Koncept and Boardies

Decrepit (55298km):
2971 days ago 2 categories   Fantastic day at Liptons, everybody had a ball, (and there were lots of everybodys, even the Wannabees turned up).
Got there around 10, wind was a tad light except for some interesting gusts. rigged for what was expected. 5.8 on 43 with 21cm 45deg weedy.
Quickly found I didn't have enough board so swapped for the 48 with 24cm weedy. That was much more fun and used it until lunch, then swapped back to the 43. Wasn't going as fast as expected, board seemed to be sailing too flat. Alby suggested changing to the lower outhaul grommet. so the sail would twist more and decrease nose downforce. Seemed like a sensible idea, so went for it. First run increased my speed by over a knot, so went for more of a good thing and gave it a bit more downhaul as well. That's when I got the 38, but it has to be said the wind was also picking up.
Trouble with the 45deg 21cm fin it picks up weed real bad in the shallows once you slow down, means either a long walk out or a sideways drag, that's a bit hard on the arms. Didn't take long for me to get completly exhausted, otherwise I'd have stayed out a bit longer.
After spending all that time the last few years trying to perfect Fangy fins, now I need to do the same thing for liptons, this is more of a challenge as the fin has to handle much worse chop than the last years Fangy conditions.
Just ckecked the watch data.
2s 38.311, 5x10 35.355, 1hr 11.365, @ 21.913, NM 19.664, dist 59.736
Shane121 (6794km):
2971 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU Liptons A road trip with Steve to go have some fun in mandurah with the crew . My first outing i had weed problems with 28 choco fin so Steve lent me a 24 weedy . down size sail to 5.8 np slalom so went back out and the wind had pick up a bit so i chicken out and went back in . Still had a GREAT DAY 
evets (21562km):
2970 days ago 1 categories  Liptons Mistral91SL, RSREVO6.2 MXR21 weedy
Great fun with the massed mob. Will post more later.
Oh a PB, that is nice to see. Just exhausted by the end of the session, at the end would have been better with my smaller board and sail but I ran out of strength.
Mistral is an excellent board, very well behaved. The MXR21 is a bit small for this board and sail.
Congrats to all those who scored PBs, there was plenty of wind. The wind did as the forecast suggested, whci meant that possibly the best chance for speed was at the end when I was too exhausted to try again.
Good to meet Firie at last, we have managed to avoid each other for years.
Update 29/12/16
Having discussed with Decrep that it is not uncommon for people to post their 10 as their 5x10 grom GPSR that is exactly what I did not 5 minutes later. SO it was not a pb session for me, not even a top 5. So the 37.221 I posted is now corrected 
And all that because I was loooking at the WA 10 sec table.
Oaf (7470km):
2965 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Stoked! Was nervous that the 40.23 on the dial might not have got me over the 2sec. Happy now. Hope everyone else had as much fun.
F2 Misile Small, 6.0 HSM GPS
